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Passengers with Reduced Mobility and Health

Guests In Need of Help

Wheelchair Request

In order to provide necessary support in time to our guests who need wheelchair due to health problems, you need to make a request by contacting our free of charge line at 0850 250 67 02 for calls from Turkey and our free of charge line at +90 850 250 67 77 for calls from other countries at the time of purchase or at least 48 hours in advance from your flight. If you are purchasing your ticket from our call center, airport sales offices or agencies, be sure to inform your ticket sales agent of your request for appropriate wheelchair for your needs at the time of booking. Whereas the requests will be assessed within the limits of the airline, you may experience delays and difficulties in meeting the service in case of not informing beforehand. When making your service request, indicate clearly your need and be at the airport at least 2 hours before your flight.

I do not have my own wheelchair, I will demand at the airport

  • You must be present at the airport at least 2 hours before your flight time for your ticket and baggage process.
  • Find out if there is a SPECIAL SERVICE COUNTER at the airport; if there is you need to make transactions from these counters.
  • Determine your needs clearly while you are making a request for wheelchair service.
  • Report your specific situation about long distance walking, climbing airplane ladders, or passing your seat inside the airplane without assistance. While making the reservation or check-in, the correct information will prevent delays and malfunctions that may occur with your flight.

I want to use my own wheelchair without battery

  • You must be present at the airport at least 2 hours before your flight time for your ticket and baggage process.
  • Find out if there is a SPECIAL SERVICE COUNTER at the airport; if there is you need to make transactions from these counters.
  • Determine your needs clearly while you are making a request for wheelchair service.
  • Report your specific situation about long distance walking, climbing airplane ladders, or passing your seat inside the airplane without assistance. While making the reservation or check-in, the correct information will prevent delays and malfunctions that may occur with your flight.
  • You can deliver your wheelchair when you do your ticket and baggage handling or during boarding after registering it. At the airport, you can get detailed information about the subject from the relevant staff.
  • Folding wheelchairs without battery brought with guests are carried as hold baggage and free of charge; not included in the free baggage allowance.

I want to use my own battery-operated wheelchair


  • You must be present at the airport at least 2 hours before your flight time for your ticket and baggage process.
  • Find out if there is a SPECIAL SERVICE COUNTER at the airport; if there is you need to make transactions from these counters.
  • Determine your needs clearly while you are making a request for wheelchair service.
  • Report your specific situation about long distance walking, climbing airplane ladders, or passing your seat inside the airplane without assistance. While making the reservation or check-in, the correct information will prevent delays and malfunctions that may occur with your flight.
  • Before the flight, our guests need to make preparations for the battery they use in their chairs.
  • We do not carry liquid bateries in our flights.
  • Dry Battery / Gel Battery Wheelchairs are carried and transported as the wheelchair tied in a secure manner provided the battery poles are protected to prevent short-circuit or ensured that short-circuit is avoided.
  • The necessary measures are taken for battery-powered vehicles, especially for battery-powered vehicles designed to be user-adjustable (eg: portable)
  1. Once the battery (s) have been removed, wheelchairs can be transported as checked hold baggage without any restrictions.
  2. Batteries should be protected from short circuit by isolating battery caps. (Eg by tapping the polar caps)
  3. Placing in protective case removed batteries should be avoided from damage. The battery (s) must be transported in the passenger compartment.
  4. The equipment should be disconnected from the battery by following the operating instructions or by the proprietor.
  5. A spare battery that does not exceed a maximum of 300 Wh or two spare batteries that do not exceed 160Wh each can be carried.

Pregnant Guests

  • Our pregnant guests do not need to submit a medical report to travel with Pegasus Airlines. Even if our pregnant guests can be admitted without a medical report, we advise them to consult a specialist about their health condition before they travel by air.
  • Pegasus Airlines does not accept travel of mother-to-be who have exceeded 36 weeks of pregnancy in singleton pregnancy without any complications. Therefore all round-trip flights must be completed before the end of the 36th week of the pregnancy.
  • Pegasus Airlines does not accept travel of mother-to-be who have exceeded 32 weeks of pregnancy in multiple pregnancies without any complications. Therefore all round-trip flights must be completed before the end of the 32nd week of the pregnancy.
Pregnancy Admission Requirements Restrictions
Singleton pregnancy without any complications The Health Report is not required until the end of your 36th week of pregnancy. Traveling by air is not allowed from end of 36th week of pregnancy to end of first 48 hours after birth.
Multiple pregnancy without any complications The Health Report is not required until the end of your 32nd week of pregnancy. Traveling by air is not allowed from end of 32th week of pregnancy to end of first 48 hours after birth.
Pregnancy with complications   * We recommend getting a Medical Report.
  • The date of the Health Report* which must be issued by the medical doctor and include the statement of "there is no inconvenience in traveling by airplane" and must be prepared no more than 7 days before the flight and to be certain of our guest is healthy for air travel.
  • In cases of complicated pregnancies for which the Health Report is not submitted, and where there is a reasonable doubt for the estimated date of birth specified by the guest, the guest must sign the F-GO-025 Guarantee Form.
  • If our pregnant passanger does not comply with Pegasus Airlines' rules for the carriage, Pegasus Airlines will not be held responsible for any damage that may result from air travel. Our guest will be the only responsible for the the consequences of air travel on their health status.
  • If Pegasus Airlines refuses to provide transportation because the pregnant guest does not comply with the conditions stated above, the pregnant guest is not entitled to request the refund of the ticket fee.

      Guests Who Need Medical Oxygen


  • Pegasus Airlines does not provide its guests additional oxygen, except in emergencies. Guests who need medical oxygen during the flight are not allowed to be admitted to the plane. Pegasus Airlines may provide the necessary equipment only in case of medical emergency. Pegasus Airlines accepts to transport their guest’s empty oxygen tubes, with an open valve, as checked baggage.


      Peanut Allergy


  • Guests who suffer from anaphylaxis must inform the Guest Control Center or Call Center or warn the cabin crew at the time of booking from preventing the sale of peanuts during the flight.




  • It is the responsibility of our guest to ensure that he/she carries enough amount of insulin that he/she will need during your journey. Insulin and diabetes needles can be stored in the cabin baggage. The usage of diabetic insulin pens is allowed within the limits of liquids that may be contained in the cabin baggage, in the presence of a medical document if they will be submitted in control of the security screening. It is recommended that guests using prescription medicines have their accompanying documentation of treatment (eg ID card, doctor's letter) for confirmation.

     Guests Who Need Medical Treatment


  • Prohibited substances/objects will be taken and will not be returned. During the flight, guests who need to use medical syringes for diabetes and other

health reasons must have a certificate of their need for such medical supplies and they must be sure that the material is packaged and labeled professionally. Medical supplies/medicines that are not presented in this way will be confiscated.

  • Guests should be sure that any medication that they need to use during flight is able to enter the aircraft cabin. Cabin crews do not have the opportunity to keep the medicine cool/cold as requested by our Guest. If the patient needs to use a medication that should be kept cold, it is acceptable to keep the medication in a cold bag or a vacuum flask. Guests can consult pharmacists about how to best preserve their medication.
  • All of our guests suffering from a chronic disease are required to keep in their possession any and all medications they shall be requiring throughout the duration of the travel/trip. All medications, particularly such medications requiring prescriptions to be submitted should be kept inside the hand baggage of the guest in their original boxes/bottles affixed with clearly legible labels. Keeping spares of such medications inside a duly controlled baggage is considered as a security measure required to be taken in the event the medications inside the hand baggage are lost or stolen. Those medications which might be required to be used throughout the course of the trip or a short while after landing, are to be kept available inside the hand baggage together with prescriptions where the name of such medication is identically written. We hereby highly recommend as a precaution against loss of your medications, to keep a copy each of your prescriptions with you, since you might be required to procure them once again or as evidence regarding their use in case of any security controls.
  • As airline safety is increased, sharp objects and packages containing more than 100 ml of liquid should be placed in the checked baggage.


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