Visa Free Countries
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get an immediate list of visa-free countries that you can travel to with Pegasus!
*The list of countries that you can visit without a visa has been compiled for the normal passport types of each country as from December 2017 (i.e. not specially-issued types such as diplomatic, special or service passports). Don’t forget to check with official sources to confirm the validity of the information here and which countries will accept your passport without a visa
Table of Contents
- What is Visa-Free Travel? How do you do it?
- Visa-Free Countries for Turkish Citizens
- Visa-Free European Countries for Turkish Citizens
- Visa-Free Asian Countries for Turkish Citizens
- Visa-Free African Countries for Turkish Citizens
- Visa-Free American Countries for Turkish Citizens
- Visa-Free South Pasific Islands for Turkish Citizens
What is Visa-Free Travel? How do you do it?
A trip to any country that does not require you to obtain a visa with your passport is called visa-free travel.
You don’t need to go to the consulate, gather together your documents or pay any fee to get into these countries. You won’t need to worry, ‘What if my application is rejected?’ You just need to buy a ticket and pack your bags.
That’s the answer to the question, ‘How do you travel visa-free?’
You can even travel without a passport!Do you know there are some countries you can enter without a passport at all? For example, if you are a Turkish citizen, you can enter Georgia, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Ukraine without a passport. Also, don’t forget that the list of countries you can visit without a passport varies according to the type of passport you have! Right now we’re not talking about countries that offer privileges to holders of green, diplomatic and service passports; we’re going to list the visa-free countries for those who are just traveling for pleasure on a normal passport.
Which countries do not require visas from Turkey?
Below you will find the countries to which holders of a normal Turkish passport can travel without a visa or by simply getting a visa online or at the border gate. They are listed according to their continent.
Visa-free Countries for Turkish Citizens
Andorra | Europe | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Antigua ve Barbuda | North America | Visa-Free | 180 Days | - |
Arjantin | South America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Albania | Europe | Visa-Free | 90 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Azerbaijan | Asia, Europe | Visa on arrival | 30 Days | - |
Bahamas | North America | Visa-Free | - | - |
Bahrain | Asia | Visa on arrival | 15 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Barbados | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Belarus-White Russia | Europe | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Belize | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Bolivya | South America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Bosna-Hersek | Europe | Visa-Free | 90 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Botsvana | Africa | Visa-Free | - | - |
Brasil | South America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Brunei | Asia | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Doğu Timor | Asia | Visa on arrival | 30 Days | - |
Dominika | North America | Visa-Free | 21 Days | - |
Dominican Republic | North America | Visa on arrival | 30 Days | - |
Ekvador | South America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
El Salvador | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Indonesia | Asia | Visa on arrival | 30 Days | - |
Ermenistan | Europe | Visa on arrival | 120 Days | - |
Fas | Africa | Visa-Free | 90 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Fiji | Oceanian | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Fildişi Sahili | Africa | E-visa | - | |
Philippines | Asia | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Filistin | Asia | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Guatemala | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
The Republic of South Africa | Africa | Visa on arrival | 30 Days | - |
South Korea | Asia | Visa-Free | 3 ay | - |
Georgia | Europe | Visa-Free | 1 yıl | Search Cheap Flights |
Haiti | North America | Visa on arrival | 90 Days | - |
Honduras | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Hong Kong | Asia | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Iraq | Asia | Visa on arrival | 10 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
İran | Asia | Visa-Free | 90 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Jamaica | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Japan | Asia | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
TRNC | Europe | Visa-Free | Search Cheap Flights | |
Kampuchea | Asia | Visa on arrival | 30 Days | - |
Montenegro | Europe | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Qatar | Asia | Visa-Free | 30 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Kazakhistan | Asia | Visa-Free | 30 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Kenya | Africa | E-visa | - | |
Kirghizstan | Asia | Visa-Free | 1 ay | Search Cheap Flights |
Colombia | South America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Comoros | Africa | Visa on arrival | - | |
Kosovo | Europe | Visa-Free | 90 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Costa Rica | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Lebanon | Asia | Visa-Free | 90 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Madagascar | Africa | Visa on arrival | 90 Days | - |
Macau | Asia | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Macedonia | Europe | Visa-Free | 90 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Maldivs | Asia | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Malezya | Asia | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Mauritius | Africa | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Mexico | North America | E-visa | 30 Days | - |
Mongolia | Asia | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Moldova | Europe | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Nikaragua | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Niue | Oceanian | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Uzbekistan | Asia | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Palau | Oceanian | Visa-Free | Süresiz | - |
Panama | North America | Visa-Free | 6 ay | - |
Paraguay | South America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Peru | South America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Rwanda | Africa | E-visa | - | |
Samoa | Oceanian | Visa on arrival | 60 Days | - |
Sao Tome ve Principe | Africa | Visa-Free | 15 Days | - |
Saint Kitts (Saint Christoper) ve Nevis Adaları | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Saint Lucia | North America | Visa-Free | 6 Weeks | - |
Saint Vincent ve Grenadinler Islands | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Senegal | Africa | E-visa | - | |
The Seychelles | Africa | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Serbia | Europe | Visa-Free | 90 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Singapore | Asia | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Sri Lanka | Asia | Visa on arrival or E-visa | 30 Days | - |
Syria | Asia | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Svaziland | Africa | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Chile | South America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Tajikistan | Asia | E-visa | 60 Days | - |
Tanzania | Africa | Visa on arrival | 90 Days | - |
Tayland | Asia | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Tayvan | Asia | Visa on arrival | 30 Days | - |
Togo | Africa | Visa on arrival | - | |
Tonga | Oceanian | Visa on arrival | 31 Days | - |
Trinidad ve Tobago | North America | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Tunisia | Africa | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Turks ve Caicos Adaları | North America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Tuvalu | Oceanian | Visa-Free | Süresiz | - |
Ukrayna | Europe | Visa-Free | 60 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Umman | Asia | Visa on arrival | 30 Days | - |
Uruguay | South America | Visa-Free | 90 Days | - |
Jordan | Asia | Visa-Free | 90 Days | Search Cheap Flights |
Vanuatu | Oceanian | Visa-Free | 30 Days | - |
Venezuela | South America | Viza-free | 90 Days | - |
British Virgin Islands | North America | Visa-free | 30 Days | - |
Zambiya | Africa | Visa on arrival | 30 Days | - |
Zimbabwean | Africa | E-visa | - |
Source: http://www.mfa.gov.tr/turk-vatandaslarinin-tabi-oldugu-vize-uygulamalari.tr.mfa
If you are the citizen of another country, simply select it in the field above to get a list of the visa-free countries that you can fly to with Pegasus. Why not buy your ticket too!
Note: Please visit the websites of the Foreign Office to get the most up-to-date list of visa-free countries and more information.
List of Visa-Free European Countries for Turkish Citizens
If you want to go to Europe, you’ll be pleased to know that many Balkan countries do not require a visa. Here’s the list you need for your visa-free European tour: Andorra, Albania (Balkans), Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina (Balkans), Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine
Visa-free European countries with Pegasus
Macedonia | No | - | 90 Days | |
Ukraine | No | - | Indefinite | |
Kosova | No | - | 90 Days in 6 Months | |
Albania | No | - | 90 Days | |
Serbia | No | - | 90 Days in 180 Days | |
North Cyprus | No | - | Indefinite | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | No | - | 90 Days in 180 Days |
List of Visa-Free Asian Countries for Turkish Citizens
Countries you can visit without a visa or by getting one online or at the border gate include: Azerbaijan (visa required to enter Baku), United Arab Emirates (e-visa), Bahrain (border gate visa), East Timor, Indonesia (border gate visa), Philippines, Georgia, Hong Kong, Iraq (border gate visa), Iran, Japan, Cambodia (border gate visa), Qatar (border gate visa), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, South Korea, Lebanon, Macau Special Administrative Region, Maldives, Malaysia, Mongolia, Singapore, Sri Lanka (border gate visa), Syria, Thailand, Taiwan and Jordan.
Visa-free Asian countries with Pegasus
Jordan | No | - | 90 Days | SEARCH CHEAP FLIGHTS |
Iraq | Yes | Visa on arrival | 10 Days | SEARCH CHEAP FLIGHTS |
Kyrgyzstan | No | - | 1 month | SEARCH CHEAP FLIGHTS |
Lebanon | No | - | 90 Days in 180 Days | SEARCH CHEAP FLIGHTS |
Qatar | Yes | Visa on arrival | 2 weeks | SEARCH CHEAP FLIGHTS |
Kazakhstan | No | - | 30 Days | SEARCH CHEAP FLIGHTS |
Bahrain | Yes | Visa on arrival | 15 days | SEARCH CHEAP FLIGHTS |
İran | No | - | 90 Days | SEARCH CHEAP FLIGHTS |
Georgia | No | - | 1 year | SEARCH CHEAP FLIGHTS |
Visa-free African Countries
If you prefer something further afield, you can go to Botswana, Morocco, Republic of South Africa (border gate visa), Kenya (e-visa), Libya, Morityus, Seychelles, Sudan (border gate visa), Swaziland, Tunisia and Zambia.
Visa-free American Countries
Maybe you can’t go to the North, but there are plenty of other countries on the continent that you can visit. Turkish citizens can travel to the following countries without a visa; in South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Trinidad, Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela. In Central America: Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republici, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Mexico (e-visa), Nicaragua, Panama, St. Christopher and Nevis, and St Lucia.
Visa-free South Pacific Islands
If you want to add this area to your travel plans, you can consider Fiji, the Palau Republic, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
Note-1: Please visit the website of the Turkish Foreign Office to get the most up-to-date list of visa-free countries and more information.
Not-2: The list of countries that you can visit without a visa has been compiled for the normal passport types of each country as from December 2017 (i.e. not specially-issued types such as diplomatic, special or service passports). Don’t forget to check with official sources to confirm the validity of the information here and which countries will accept your passport without a visa.