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To not miss the advantage of flying with Pegasus BolBol, you must use your BolPoints before they expire.

For inquiries and questions related to BolBol, you can call our toll-free call center at 0 (850) 399 17 01.

About Us and Our Sustainability Framework

About Us and Our Sustainability Framework




Company Overview

Pegasus Airlines is Türkiye's leading low-cost airline, with a fleet of 95 aircraft and an annual passenger volume of 26.9 million (2022).

Since 2005, we have become a leading player in the airline market across a network of 44 countries and 114 destinations, of which 78 are international (2022).

Financial Profile

Pegasus Airlines have enjoyed an average of 11% annual revenue growth since 2012.
Our EBITDA margin in 2022 was the highest in the industry with 34.1% while our unit cost (non-fuel cost per available seat kilometer – CASK) in 2022 at €c2.18 was the lowest in the world.

Product & Services

Our young fleet, efficient aircraft utilization, passenger numbers, and passenger loyalty are vital to our lean & efficient operations, and we keep safety at the core of our business.

Pegasus Airlines aims to provide passengers with an easy, consistent, and personalised travel experience via innovation, digital initiatives, ancillary services, and our BolBol Loyalty Program.
We thrive on an inclusive and open work environment and empower our workforce with data, know-how, and technologically advanced digital tools.

For more information on Pegasus Airlines, please refer to our published Annual Reports and Financial Statements on our Investor Relations Website.

Pegasus Airlines Sustainability Framework

Today, businesses need to take responsibility and action to help positively impact the way we live. This is only possible by adopting a different approach to how we conduct our business and the extent to which we incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into our business operations.

We realise the importance of measuring and reporting our operations and the value we create not only on our economic impact but also on our impact on the environment and on society. For this reason, our Board of Directors introduced our Corporate Sustainability Policy in December 2020, and we have been building an effective sustainability governance structure.

Today, our dedicated Sustainability Office is responsible for implementing our sustainability policy and our strategic sustainability targets. They are also responsible for coordinating and reporting on company-wide sustainability and ESG efforts. Our Sustainability Director (who also undertakes the role of Company General Counsel) reports directly to our CEO.

We formed a Sustainability Working Group to facilitate communication among relevant business units. Our team members are interested in sustainability and they voluntarily support our sustainability efforts. The Sustainability Working Group works alongside several Focus Groups that each carry out specific projects within their areas of expertise.

A Sustainability Steering Committee has also been formed to bring together senior management representatives and the Sustainability Director to evaluate our long-term targets and to plan and monitor the progress of work on sustainability and ESG.

The Sustainability Director is responsible for facilitating communication between the Steering Committee and the Working Group and reporting their work directly to Pegasus Airlines' CEO.

The work carried out by these functions is then passed to the Corporate Governance Committee every quarter and reported to the Board of Directors on a regular basis.

Our Corporate Sustainability Policy, opportunities and risk framework, strategic targets, key performance indicators and reporting structure are determined by the CEO, the Corporate Governance Committee, or the Board of Directors according to the governance matrix set out in our corporate procedures.

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