Write To Us List
Airport information
Where can I find details about the cancellation of my flight?

If your flight is cancelled, we will try to contact you by SMS or telephone using the contact details you gave when buying your ticket, or will send an e-mail notification. You can also get information by contacting our Call Centre on 0850 250 67 02.
If your problem was not resolved, would you like to write to us?
Yes We are glad your problem has been resolved.
Notification by SMS/Phone
Where can I find details about the cancellation of my flight?

If your flight is cancelled, we will try to contact you by SMS or telephone using the contact details you gave when buying your ticket, or will send an e-mail notification. You can also get information by contacting our Call Centre on 0850 250 67 02.
If your problem was not resolved, would you like to write to us?
Yes We are glad your problem has been resolved.